• Endometriosis – Survive It

  • Challenges and their Progress

    Immigrant Stories Challenge

    1 of 3 - 33% Completed

    Library Books Reading Challenge 2012

    1 of 12 - 8% Completed

  • Proud to be an Addict

    Reading Challenge Addict
  • Listed!!!

    Parajunkee Design

The Friday 56 – Week 15

This is another fun meme.

I used to participate in this last year and am thrilled to be back. Friday 56 is hosted by Freda’s voice.

The rules as stated are:
* Grab a book, any book.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find any sentence that grabs you.
* Post it.
* Link it here.

My Friday 56 is from “Wish You Well” by David Baldacci

“We’re going to be just fine.” And Lou somehow forced herself to believe that it would be so.

Book Blogger Hop: 2/11-2/14

Book Blogger Hop

In the spirit of the Twitter Friday Follow, the Book Blogger Hop is a place just for book bloggers and readers to connect and share our love of the written word! This weekly BOOK PARTY is an awesome opportunity for book bloggers to connect with other book lovers, make new friends, support each other, and generally just share our love of books! It will also give blog readers a chance to find other book blogs to read! So, grab the logo, post about the Hop on your blog, and start HOPPING through the list of blogs that are posted in the Linky list below!!

1. Enter your book blog link in the Linky List in the main host page
2. Post about the Hop on your blog. In your blog post, answer the following question (new question each week!).
3. Visit other blogs in the Linky List!

“”Tell us about one of your posts from this week and give us a link so we can read it (review or otherwise)!””

Yesterday I reviewed – The Cypress House By Michael Koryta and absolutely loved it. I have read almost all the books by the author (except one) and I cannot rave enough about his story telling skills.